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Water Tower

Application Overview

Water towers, typically used in areas with flat topography, are used to store water and regulate the pressure in the water supply pipeline network. Creating and maintaining a constant network pressure depends on the water level in the tower. The water pressure must be stable and requires continuous monitoring.

The Delta Controls Benefit

  • Simple side mounting provides easy access to the sensor
  • Simple side mounting provides easy access to the sensor
  • Available temperature measurement feature provides additional monitoring through one sensor
00-app_water_watertower01 - Delta Controls Corporation

Process Data

Measurement Type

Level and/or pressure measurement, point level detection

Typical Range

16 feet (5 meters)


Drinking Water

Typical Process Temperature

+41°F to +122°F (+5 ⁰C to +50 ⁰C)

Typical Process Pressure

0 psi to +73 psi (0 bar to +5 bar)
Delta Controls Corporation

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